Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas/Mole National Park

Hello everyone Happy Late Holidays to everyone. Hope Christmas was good and everyone partied hard on new years!

For Christmas Joe and I decided to stay with the family. So we went to our hosts hometown saw where he grew up, and met the rest of the family. It was nice wasn't much of a christmas spirit but it was a good couple days. There were a couple of mini stick games played in the compound and everyone even the adults had fun playing with them. Christmas dinner was much different from was we are used to. First of all I'd say our meat was pretty fresh. That morning around 11:00 the goat was slaughtered and was being cooked by 3:00. We all ate of the floor, we ate rice balls with groundnut soup which is the best thing in the world. We shared a plate between two or three of us EATING WITH OUR HANDS! (which i have come very good at doing). It was alot of fun being with the family but we parted ways to meet with our friends on boxing day.

After a VERY long and VERY painful ride we finally ended up in Mole. ( when i say long i mean 14 hours). But man was it worth it. The hotel has a pool and the pool is overlooking 2 huge watering holes that are down this cliff. There is a viewing area where you can sit and just look to the horizon and watch the animals. Animals that were seen and seen often included antelope,warthog(PUMBA!),crocodiles,many kinds of exotic birds,ELEPHANTS and various types of monkeys. The baboons in particular were not shy or scared there would be an incident or two a day where a baboon would come to the pool deck and cause havoc. On seperate occasions one stole a little girls fanta from here, and then another stole a ketchup bottle. it was so funny watching the baboon try to get the ketchup out.
We did various activities like going on safari walks which lasted up to a couple of hours. We also went on an over night camp IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFRICAN PLAINS!! it was an awsome experience, we had to hike 2 and a half hours to the place. However i will say it was the coldest and most uncomfortable sleep ive ever had. we had tents but that was it we used our backpacks as pillows, but it was very fun. And yes it is true its gets VERY cold! in the African desert at night.
News years day an elephant was spotted near one of the watering holes so we hired a guide and he took us down to see the elephant and take pictures of it and stuff. I was in heaven it was so cool! we must have been about 50 feet away. FROM A WILD ELEPHANT! it was amazing and something i will remember for the rest of my life. Hope everyones holidays went smoothly and as planned.
Later Days.