Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hello Everyone!! i am terribly sorry i havent written sooner ive just been so busy i havent been able to sit down at a computer for a long period.
Well as winter is approaching in Canada the weather is only getting hotter here! poor me (suckers) lol. This country is very beautiful outside of the big cities all you can see is just green lush forest for miles and miles it is a site to see.
So ACCRA!!! what a city, thats where we stayed for the first week for our orientation and it is by far the busiest and biggest city ive ever been in. Everyone goes off saying how the trving in Vancouver is crazy well they would get eaten alive with the driving not just in Accra but in Ghana. the rule of the road in ghana are: 1) there arent any rules 2) make sure your horn works. cause if your horn doesnt work then your hoooped!!I think my time here ive only seen maybe 1 or 2 sets of traffic lights, so what does that tell you? While we were in Accra we were taking teaching courses at a universtiy, supirisingly a nice university at that. Accra for me is much to busy and much to big, when we left it took us nearly 2.5 hours to leave the city!!! the one big plus in Accra if you want to go shooping all you have to do is go for a drive, you dont even need to get out of your vehicle to purchase anyting!! when your car or tro tro (hippy van type thing) stops your vehicle is surrounded by people trying to sell you stuff and it is anything for food to calculators to footballs to clothes, and of course me being white for some reason you get extra special attention.
Joe and I live in a town called Akim Achiase, its a beautiful little town in the eastern region about and hour and a half from the coast. We live with our headmaster who is the nicest man in the world i could not have asked for a better host. where we live there is no running water and the power tends to go out about once a day. for showering we used a bucket and we have a very nice pit to use for going to the bathroom. we must collect water since there is no water pumped to the house, but its not far its only about a 5-10 min walk. However it rains everynight pretty much so the rain usually fills up our barrol. our room is not big at all but we manage, we also have to share our room, With the bugs!!! there have been a couple nights when ive been woken up to a small mamal (cockroach) in my bed!!!!! i think its up in double digits not how many cockroaches ive killed. haha. outside of our room is a beautiful view of a rainforest valley it is a very nice sight to wake up to. Meals here are absolutly delicious so someone please tell nona that i have been eating well! haha. except for breakfast i hate breakfast!! its just bread that im sick of, and about a pound of this butter stuff that on the label says 70% fat. our meals though are not in a wide veriety, we have rice and least once a day if not twice.
Ok my school which is called Sacred Heart Complex, its a great school there is about 160 kids who are enrolled, i teach primary 4,5,6 and jhs 1. I am also the jhs football coach. Teaching is a lot easier than I thought it would be and it is alot of fun. for football we train almost everyday and i always play with the boys, even though they are much much! better than i, i have alot of fun and they like it when i play.
We have had 2 get away weekend so far. One just to cape coast which is a very beautfiful town right on the ocean. and the other we just had last weekend we went to a place called Kakum national Park. There we went on a canopy walk which was amazing, we walked on these bridges conecting from tree to tree about 30 meters above the ground. It was amazing!! except we did not see any wildlife which was a bummer.
my Twi is comming along as my host family and my students teach me something new everyday. My name in twi is Kwame becuase i was born on a saturday. Also my other name in "obruni" which means white man. It is very wierd here but when people see us the stop what were doing and watch us.Alot of the people here in ghana have never seen a whiteman before. Id like to say you get used to it but you really dont. so people will shout obruni obruni! and we would just shout obibini back at them which mean blackman and they think it is the funniest thing.
Its crazy to think ive been here a month already and i only have just under 4 more to go. Its crazy cause ive only been teaching for a couple weeks but im already thinking how hard it is when i have to say goodbye to them and the staff. This is an amazing country and i highly recomend EVERYONE! to come here sometime. the country is beautiful and Ghanaians are the nicest people in the world. well i think thats all for now miss everyone back at home...later days

1 comment:

George said...

Hahaha maida, that's awesome. The change from Nelson to over there sounds totally nuts. I thought i was far from home...
Good to hear that you're enjoying everything and taking advantage of your opportunities!
